Hello AEMA!
Please find this quarter's Broadside attached. This issue contains many wonderful pictures and and a highlight article from the Mid-Winter Workshop. Thanks to everyone (43 participants and 5 faculty!) who came out to play music.
We had a wonderful time, and I cannot wait to see all of you at the next early music event around Atlanta!
Below, you will find a summary of articles within the Broadside.
Jacob Bitinas
President, Atlanta Early Music Alliance
In this issue
A Well-Deserved Break (Brenda Lloyd) p. 2 Highlights from Mid-Winter p. 3-6 Polyphonic Voices: Ute Marks p. 7 Clarity in Bach p. 8
Workshop with Glenn Shannon p. 9 Mountain Collegium to Expand p. 9 In Memoriam: Dr. Nelson p. 9 Lauda Musician PlayDate Outreach p. 10 Amethyst Baroque in 2023 p. 11
Name That Composer p. 12 Composer Birthdays p. 13